A Christmas gastro event was organised
A Christmas gastro event was organised
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Update browserA Christmas gastro event was organised
Processing for the quality conscious Japanese market takes great care and attention to detail – especially when it comes to food safety. Therefore Royal Greenland's production facilities are run according to strict quality demands and principles and are audited by external personnel regularly.
Royal Greenland is one of the leading seafood Groups in the world. For more than 200 years, we have brought seafood from the oceans of the world to your plate.
Royal Greenland Japan was established in 1988 and was in the beginning, only selling raw materials to industrial customers. However, our organisation quickly developed, considering the Japanese preference for high quality seafood. Especially Greenland halibut, prawns and snow crab is appreciated by the quality conscious Japanese customers.
Welcome to our world of seafood - learn more about the Royal Greenland Group here.